TAGTHAi Merchant Privacy Notice

Updated: 19 October 2021

In order for Thai Digital Platform Social Enterprise Company Limited (the “Company” ) to carry out the registration process and coordinate with you as a merchant in TAGTHAi system (the “Merchant”), please study this TAGTHAi Merchant Privacy Notice (the “Notice”) in detail before disclosing and/or transferring the personal identifiable information (“PII”) of your authorized representatives (the “Representative”) and the PII of other related persons to the Company.

The Company reserves the right to reject your registration as the Merchant on TAGTHAi if you refuse to provide your PII as defined under the conditions as specified in this Notice; provided that it should be noted that the Company may amend this Notice from time to time to assure the compliance with the change in terms and conditions for the Merchant’s registration process and the relevant legal framework.

PIIs to be processed by the Company

During the registration process on TAGTHAi, the Company may receive the Merchant’s PII from the following sources: (a) directly from the Merchant through the registration form, or the conversation and communication between the Company and the Merchant, or (b) from other third parties who have been engaged to provide the Merchant’s PII to the Company.

The Merchant’s PII that the Company would need to process for this process include: (1) direct PII, for instance, name and contact information of the Representatives (i.e. address, contact information or email); (2) payment information (i.e. bank account information and other payment disbursement history made to the relevant Merchant; and (3) work experiences and assessment result of the Merchant’s performance; and any other PII of the relevant parties of the Merchant that the Merchant may transfer or disclose to the Company for the purpose of the management and administration of the agreement entered into between the Company and the Merchant.

In case that the Merchant submit the Representative or others’ PII, the Company shall deem that the Merchant shall make all the representations about the Merchant’s legitimate rights to disclose and transfer the PIIs of those persons to the Company and the Company shall be fully entitled to process those PII to the fullest extent defined under this Notice.

Objectives for PII Process and the Retention Period

The Company would need to collect, use and proces the PIIs of the Merchant and the Representative for the following purposes: (1) for the identity verification and the accuracy reconfirmation of the PII and other information that the Merchant have provided to the Company; for the assessment of the Merchant’s performance and efficiency; and for the coordination with the Merchant during the registration process as well as during the process of entering into the agreement between you and the Company; (2) for the performance of the Company’s obligations that the Company may have under the relevant agreement entered into with the Merchant; (3) for the performance of the legal obligations that the Company may be subject to, in particular the obligations under the accounting and tax law; and (4) for the protection of the Company’s legitimate interest in any legal proceedings initiated against the Merchant in case of non-compliance or violation committed by the Merchant under the relevant agreement or in case of any fraud.

For the purposes as specified above, the Company would need to store the PII of the Merchant: (i) throughout the term of the agreement that the Company may enter into with the Merchant and for the period of time necessary for the Company to exercise the rights to protect the Company’s legitimate rights within the statutory prescription period of 3 calendar years after the termination or expiration of the agreement between the Company and the Merchant; and (ii) throughout the period of time that the Company shall be obliged under the applicable law to store such PII.

Disclosure of the Vendor’s PII

Generally, the Company commits to protect the Merchant’s PII security and would not disclose those PII to general public, except in these necessary circumstances that the Company may disclose an/or transfer your PII to these groups of person, including to (1) publicly disclosed to the TAGTHAi user in order to create a contact channel between the user and the Merchant in order to coordinate, communicate, and/or provide service that Merchant may have with the relevant user; provided that the Company commits to only disclose those PIIs on the necessary basis and ensure not to cause excessive impact on the Merchant’s rights as the data subject; (2) the service provider that the Company may engage to assist the Company in the performance of the Company’s obligation, including without limitation the IT service provider, the consulting team, or the audit team; provided that the Company shall only disclose those PII on necessary basis pursuant to the data processing agreement entered into between the Company and the relevant service provider; and (3) the government authorities that the Company may be obliged to disclose and/or transfer those PIIs to under the applicable laws or government instruction; provided in any case, the Company shall only disclose those PIIs on the necessary basis.

Representation to implement appropriate information security measures

Preventing and securing your PII are the most important procedures for the Company. The Company shall retain your PII throughout the period of time necessary for the Company to process those PII under the purposes as specified in this Notice. The Company shall implement the most appropriate security measures to prevent the unauthorized access, amendment or disclosure of the PII in any form or in any circumstance by either internal or external persons. Also, when those PII have no longer been necessary for the stated purposes, the Company shall delete or destroy any information that can identify yourself or shall securely destroy those recorded PII.

Data Subject Rights

The Company respects your right as the data subject that you shall be entitled to under the applicable laws and you can contact the Company to exercise any of the rights as follows: right to get access, to request for copy, to revise your PII, to object to the process of your PII, to request for data portability and to request for the deletion of your PII when there is no further necessity to process the PII. Please feel free contact us at email: contact@tagthai.com

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